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Posts Tagged ‘Asian’

http://www.hulu.com/watch/76183/yo-teach-miki-moves-up So…Yo Teach! apparently is a show that exists in the fictional world of the summer film, Funny People. I personally can’t wait to watch this; it’s a bit like Queen Latifah’s Last Holiday, where she discovers she has a terminal illness and wants to do all the things in life she’s missed out on. […]

http://www.angryasianman.com/2008/04/farewell-azn.html It really seems like more people are angry about this station shutting down than people who actually watched AZN on a regular basis. Why is this? AZN, quite frankly, sucked. Perhaps it was doomed for failure from its conception. The programming was terrible, presentation bad, and for some reason, I recall that it looked […]

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about this. MY GOODNESS! GOSH GOLLY! THAT IS MY ARTICLE!